
Similarity Reflection

  For this drawing, I was inspired by a poster made by M.C. Escher, just like the last assignment I did a square and triangles, but I also drew a circle, the drawing on the left shows positive form, meaning that it's not empty, it has color. On the other hand, the drawing on the right shows the complete opposite of that, it shows a negative form, meaning that it is empty

Grids Art Reflection

When I first sketched my designs I imagined these designs being on couches and small pillows. I was inspired by the London Underground Moquette (French for Carpet) designs seen on the seats of trains, the challenge was what I should put in my grid design. I couldn't do symbols, just basic shapes.  I didn't utilize circles because using a compass was always stressful for me, sometimes it wouldn't come out perfectly, and other times I would rip the paper apart, drawing perfect and precise Hexagons, Octagons and Pentagons felt too complicated. So I ended up with a basic quadrilateral and triangle design, I drew small lines through the triangles and shaded some of the squares with a pencil to make the design not seem dull. The design itself took up a 4x4 space on my 6x8 grid, so it didn't repeat perfectly. but still, I'm quite satisfied with what I was able to execute. 

Repetition Reflection

For my inspiration for this design, I used Harran II by Frank Stella made in 1967.        A major challenge was figuring out what shapes I wanted to change to, I couldn't do circles since it would stress me out trying to utilize the compass, and I couldn't do Hexagons or Octagons since it would take too much time. I eventually settled on Triangles, which is what I changed about the original design. another challenge was the inability to use any sort of colours other than achromatic colours (Shades of Black and White)      Things I changed about the original design other than the previously mentioned shapes, is the lack of any arches in the shapes that were present in the original design, also the pattern is in a different direction, instead of descending from left to right it is ascending from left to right. The only thing that went unchanged from the original design was the Squares  

About the excessive Banner changing

  Please bear with me as I find a suitable Banner for my Blog Page, I really dont know which one I should choose. It all depends on whether my body feels like its right.

Interrelationship of Form Art

Reflections and Information on these artworks will come later, enjoy these for now as is Reflections now added This Drawing above is supposed to show "Coinciding" where 2 forms move closer to become one or a fusion. The Drawing here is supposed to show "Subtraction" Where a Invisible form would overlap with a normal visible (Coloured in Black) form, essentially its a Negative Form overlapping with a Positive Form This drawing here is supposed to show "Union" where 2 forms overlap to become a bigger form. This drawing here is supposed to show "Overlapping" where 2 forms cross over each other, one form appears to be on top of the other forms, I used thin (probably not visible) lines to try to show this. This is supposed to be "Touching" where the edges of 2 forms are touching each other And this is supposed to be "Detachment" which is essentially the opposite of Touching, NO EDGES are touching. I feel like this is the only artw

New work being cooked up

  What was he cooking? well I have been recently been making some basic sketches and hopefully by Friday I will have them uploaded to here

About Me

          Hi I'm Emmanuel Acevedo, Currently I am 17 years old in my Junior Year. My interests and hobbies are Trains and playing Videogames. The reason why I am interested in Graphic Design is because I feel like I get to express my visions and thoughts, I feel like I get to unleash my creativity. 

First Post Yay

    I Welcome Readers to the best Blog page... In the world.