
Showing posts from January, 2023

Similarity Reflection

  For this drawing, I was inspired by a poster made by M.C. Escher, just like the last assignment I did a square and triangles, but I also drew a circle, the drawing on the left shows positive form, meaning that it's not empty, it has color. On the other hand, the drawing on the right shows the complete opposite of that, it shows a negative form, meaning that it is empty

Grids Art Reflection

When I first sketched my designs I imagined these designs being on couches and small pillows. I was inspired by the London Underground Moquette (French for Carpet) designs seen on the seats of trains, the challenge was what I should put in my grid design. I couldn't do symbols, just basic shapes.  I didn't utilize circles because using a compass was always stressful for me, sometimes it wouldn't come out perfectly, and other times I would rip the paper apart, drawing perfect and precise Hexagons, Octagons and Pentagons felt too complicated. So I ended up with a basic quadrilateral and triangle design, I drew small lines through the triangles and shaded some of the squares with a pencil to make the design not seem dull. The design itself took up a 4x4 space on my 6x8 grid, so it didn't repeat perfectly. but still, I'm quite satisfied with what I was able to execute.